Understanding the 40 Parables of Jesus Christ: Learn from the greatest teacher Jesus Christ. The gospel taught in stories.

Evolution is a Belief

Jesus Christ Messiah-of-God.com

The basic definition of the scientific method is that experiments must be observable. Without observation, it cannot be scientific. The interesting thing about evolution is that it is technically not scientific, since it is not observable.

Adaptation, which is often mistaken for evolution, is observable. However, the very definition of evolution is that it requires at least a million years for a species to become a different species. This concept cannot be observed.

No human can or has observed this theory, which means that evolution is a belief by definition. It is taking the observable adaptation and extrapolating it millions of years, which is speculation – not science.

"Scientific" Speculation and Logic

Many think that it is logical for adaptation to eventually result in evolution, but either way it remains a belief until it is observed.

A species eventually becoming an entirely different species may not actually be possible. The features of a species changing slightly is different than a species changing on the genetic level. For example, a moth or butterfly may change its coloring, but will it ever actually become something that is not a moth or butterfly? Or a bird may change the shape of its beak, but will it ever become something that is not a bird?

There are some scientists who believe that the only logical conclusion for the evidence provided by science (narrowly defined parameters of the universe) is that there must be a Creator. This concept is called Intelligent Design. Even if evolution was somehow proven to be true, it does not diminish the evidence for intelligent design.

Questions to Consider about Intelligent Design

If evolution is technically a belief (or even if it was proven true), and if the evidence provided by science at least allows for the concept of intelligent design, then there are some questions that need to be considered about this supposed Creator:

  • If a Creator does exist, and they wanted to communicate with us, how might they?
  • Is it reasonable for a Creator to interact with people by speaking to a few and having them communicate to everyone else?
  • How might those who interacted with this Creator communicate to others?
  • Is it reasonable that those who communicated with the Creator would write down their experience?
  • If a Creator has communicated with people, is it reasonable that his message would be consistent throughout history?
  • If a Creator has existed since the beginning of the universe, would it be reasonable for the Creator's first interaction with humans to be only a thousand years ago or is it more reasonable that the Creator has been interacting with humans since the beginning of our existence?

Based on these questions, if we wanted to know about this Creator, we would need to look for writings that reveal a consistent Creator throughout history. Realistically, the only such collection of writings is the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Old Testament.

However, if the Old Testament is the result of this Creator's communication with people, then we need to examine the Reliability of the Bible.

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Understanding the 40 Parables of Jesus Christ: Learn from the greatest teacher Jesus Christ. The gospel taught in stories.

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